#poesíacontraelmuro / #poetryvsthewall / #poésievsmur: Jack Little, Reino Unido

En Círculo de poesía, Valparaíso México y el Encuentro Internacional de Poesía Ciudad de México hemos convocado a una acción global de resistencia para contrarrestar los impunes ataques a todas las libertades por parte del tirano estadounidense Donald Trump, poetas de todos los continentes nos envían sus poemas para construir un espacio de entendimiento entre los pueblos del mundo a través de la poesía.






Through our shared walls

we hear, in isolation, light breaths.


Walls make space,

change margins between home / adventure


walls are to look over with periscopes

walls are to mark beginnings / ends


walls to kick footballs over and climb

trampling roses on the other side


walls dissolved by window glass

where children tap at penguins and polar bears.


Or a wall is a wedding dress worn by nation borders

the X, the Y, the solidness of in-between


a wall to be sat on by old couples sharing sandwiches,

a highpoint to watch a sunset


a surface to be written on,

love songs: we were here


walls protect the sheep from the wolves

bulkheads await each hug of saltwater


we are each a wall, an open space:


all mutual definers







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