Poesía norteamericana. En unos días, un jurado compuesto por Mary Jo Bang, Ken Chen, Elise Paschen, Danez Smith y Stephen Sparks determinará cuál de los siguientes diez poetas ganará The 2018 National Book Award.
- Rae Armantrout, Wobble (Wesleyan University Press).
- Jos Charles, feels (Milkweed Editions).
- Forrest Gander, Be With (New Directions).
- Terrance Hayes, American Sonnets for My Past and Future Assassin (Penguin Books / Penguin Random House).
- J. Michael Martinez, Museum of the Americas (Penguin Books / Penguin Random House).
- Diana Khoi Nguyen, Ghost Of (Omnidawn Publishing).
- Justin Phillip Reed,Indecency (Coffee House Press).
- Raquel Salas Rivera, lo terciario / the tertiary (Timeless, Infinite Light).
- Natasha Trethewey, Monument: Poems New and Selected (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt).
- Jenny Xie, Eye Level (Gray wolf Press)