En Círculo de poesía, Valparaíso México y el Encuentro Internacional de Poesía Ciudad de México hemos convocado a una acción global de resistencia para contrarrestar los impunes ataques a todas las libertades por parte del tirano estadounidense Donald Trump, poetas de todos los continentes nos envían sus poemas para construir un espacio de entendimiento entre los pueblos del mundo a través de la poesía.
Donald, The Unready
For humanity
Today I have no president.
So help me us God
Because let’s be honest,
Jesus is #boycotting this crap too.
Please raise your right hand
& repeat after mí:
Republicans, you don’t serve mí
Trump, you don’t serve mí
Hate, you won’t serve mí
History, you will remember mí,
You they them them them
You don’t share my heart
You don’t share my home
You don’t share my country
You don’t fit with WE.
Nor the red, white & blue
Will accept going back 300 years for you,
For stars choose when to burn
On their very own,
& then there is white
& as WE the people fly
Up into the white into the bright
Into the cold blue,
Like birds over our capital
With 44 & FLOTUS
Tears of freedom hit our laps
Like holy bombs.
Today puppets across the country rejoice
Today it rains, today our hearts bleed
The unknown, today Lady Liberty knows
Not her people’s hate hate hate,
& when Trumpy took stage & touched Bible
God didn’t stay still like none of us should!
He threw down rain, prayers around the world
The tears of sane Americans everywhere,
Because God is like man:
He will never change.
& if you voted for him,
You’re responsible!
You are a national embarrassment
You are overripe fruit
You are dirty dirty snow
You are broken bones
You are poisonous snakes
You are clearance items
You are burned toast
You are flat tires,
Because we enter an era
Where guns have more rights than women
Where whites embrace a new kind of Hitler
Where selfishness will make enemies
Out of allies across our mother earth.
So listen up:
Americans, stand!
Catholics, stand!
Christians, stand!
Muslims, stand!
Immigrants, stand!
Artists, stand!
Teachers, stand!
Mothers, stand!
Children of the sun, stand!
You you you,
You, stand!
Because WE outnumber them
Because WE are united
Because WE celebrate love
Because love is love is love is love
& hate cannot & will not diminish love:
Know your rights.
Prepare for war.