A Conversation With José Vicente Anaya

Some months ago, Medium.com / the operating system interviewed José Vicente Anaya. Círculo de Poesía publish in Mexico that conversation. OS Collaborator José Vicente Anaya talks about his poem Híkuri (Peyote), recently translated by Joshua Pollock. JOSÉ VICENTE ANAYA (Villa Coronado, Chihuahua, 1947-Mexico City, 2020) is a Mexican poet, essayist, translator, editor, and journalist. He…

Mexican Poetry: Baudelio Camarillo

Today at Círculo de Poesía we present “Shambles” by Mexican poet Baudelio Camarillo (Xicoténcatl, Mexico 1959). Camarillo composes a very calculated and harmonious free verse while appealing directly to senses and to easy metaphysics that invites readers to a serene search for the essence of things. Winner of the prestigious Premio Nacional de Poesía Aguascalientes,…

Selected Poems of Salvador Novo

Today at Círculo de Poesía: Selected Poems of Salvador Novo (1904-1974). A poet who changes the direction of Mexican poetry based on aesthetic approach, Pedro Henriquez Ureña took from American Poetry, “write like you talk”. The present selection comes from that anthology, compiled and translated by californian poet Anthony Seidman and David Shook, with an…

Mexican Poetry: Audomaro Hidalgo

Today at Círculo de Poesía: “Ancient Fire” by Audomaro Hidalgo. He studied Hispano-American Literature at Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Argentina). He currently lives in Villahermosa, Mexico where he spends his days reading and writing. Translation by María Cristina Fernández Hall.   Presentamos, en traducción al inglés de María Cristina Fernández Hall, un poema de Audomaro…

Mexican Poetry: Mario Bojórquez according to Licón

Mario Licón Cabrera (México, 1949) is the main spanish-speaking connoisseur of Australian poetry, and a recognized poet himself. A resident of Sydney since 1992, he has translated the most relevant poets from multiple different generations and aesthetics present in the tradition of that country: because of him we have translations of poets such as Dorothy…

Mexican Poetry: Efraín Bartolomé

Today at Círculo de Poesía we present Journals against the Angel by the renowned poet Efraín Bartolomé (Ocosingo, Chiapas, 1950). Author of multiple books, Bartolomé has defined his poetry as one cohesive work in which the central theme is the “religious summoning of the Mother Goddess, which is Earth”. When asked on the bridges between…