Ecuadorian Poetry: Iván Oñate

Today at Círculo de Poesía: Iván Oñate (Ambato, Ecuador, 1948). Poet, short-story-writer and professor. He studied in Ecuador, Argentina and Spain; in this last country he made his P. h D. in Comunication in the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. He is a professor of Semiotics and Hispano-American Literature in the Universidad Central de Ecuador. He…

Mexican Poetry: Audomaro Hidalgo

Today at Círculo de Poesía: “Ancient Fire” by Audomaro Hidalgo. He studied Hispano-American Literature at Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Argentina). He currently lives in Villahermosa, Mexico where he spends his days reading and writing. Translation by María Cristina Fernández Hall.   Presentamos, en traducción al inglés de María Cristina Fernández Hall, un poema de Audomaro…

Mexican Poetry: Mario Bojórquez according to Licón

Mario Licón Cabrera (México, 1949) is the main spanish-speaking connoisseur of Australian poetry, and a recognized poet himself. A resident of Sydney since 1992, he has translated the most relevant poets from multiple different generations and aesthetics present in the tradition of that country: because of him we have translations of poets such as Dorothy…