Dímelo de Kim Addonizio en Valparaíso Ediciones

Presentamos algunos textos de la poeta, narradora y ensayista norteamericana Kim Addonizio (Washington, 1954), pertenecientes a su libro Dímelo que fue finalista del National Book Award en 2000. Se trata del primer libro íntegro traducido al español de Addonizio y publicado tanto en España como en México por Valparaíso México. La traducción corre a cargo de Andrea Muriel. De venta…

Mexican Poetry: Baudelio Camarillo

Today at Círculo de Poesía we present “Shambles” by Mexican poet Baudelio Camarillo (Xicoténcatl, Mexico 1959). Camarillo composes a very calculated and harmonious free verse while appealing directly to senses and to easy metaphysics that invites readers to a serene search for the essence of things. Winner of the prestigious Premio Nacional de Poesía Aguascalientes,…

100 Pulitzer Poets: Robert Frost, 1937

Today at Círculo de Poesía: Robert Frost (1874-1963) from the collection “A further range”, which received the Pulitzer Prize (1937). His work employed settings from rural life in New England and his command of American colloquial speech. Frost was honored frequently during his lifetime, receiving four Pulitzer Prizes for Poetry. Frost was named Poet laureate…